The Georgia Autism Plan is based on five foundational supports that cut across many of the areas. The following foundational supports were considered in developing recommendations for each area of Plan.

  • Workforce refers to increasing the number of professionals who are competent and knowledgeable about serving and supporting children, youth and adults with autism and their families. Professional representation includes Developmental Pediatricians, Family Physicians, Therapist (Occupational, Physical, Speech and Language), and Teachers.
  • Awareness refers to knowledge and recognition of autism as a developmental disability, the characteristics of autism, and available services and supports within the autism community.
  • Informational Resources refers to documents, web services, or other knowledge bases that exist for the purpose of connecting youth and adults with autism, their families and community members with needed services and supports.
  • Finances refer to the method funding for supports and services utilized by children, youth and adults with autism and their families which can include private or public insurance and state, local or private sources.
  • Policy refers to any state legislation, statue or code impacting the health, well-being, and quality of life of children, youth and adults with autism and their families.
Last Updated 03/07/14